AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE VIA E-COMMERCE DTD. SUN.17Feb08: Sharon4Anderson @ - Google SearchLEGAL NOTICE TO STATE OF MINNESOTA:DFL Attorney General Lory Swanson for the arrest/grand jury indictments against DSI, employees Joel Essling, Marcia Moermond, wilful failure to provide tickets,formal complaints re: due process of law, "just compensations" et al, FCC,FBI, Justice Officials and as Private AG use cursor on blue to read State RICO laws at R all apply to indict Joel Essling,Marcia Moermond and now John Zanmiller et al similarily situated. Attorney General, Private The "private attorney general" concept holds that a successful private party plaintiff is entitled to recovery of his legal expenses, including attorney fees, if he has advanced the policy inherent in public interest legislation on behalf of a significant class of persons. Dasher v. Housing Authority of City of Atlanta, Ga., D.C.Ga., 64 F.R.D. 720, 722. See also Equal Access to Justice Act.[Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition Agency Holding v. Malley-Duff Associates to file and charge CRIMINAL RICO COMPLAINTS AGAINST JOEL ESSLING BADGE 322 DSI Employee FOR FALSE STATEMENTS: FORENSIC EVIDENCE ON FILE NOTICE TO CITY ATTORNEY TO CHARGE ESSLING: demand for formal complaint, Default Judgments against the city, quiet titles Citys Theft, Trespass, Treason ,must be addressed. Today Sun Feb.17,2008 Sharon Andersons FOIA demands refutes these published statements on the city web site as false, malicious with libel, http: // Citys arbitrary Water Shut off Sharons Garbage hauler is Aspen on file,City theft of Sharons Trailer, licensed in Sharons car found at purchased 2 yrs ago, from a Probate, apparantly Joel Essling is a peeping Tom, joel essling must be arrested for stalking,harrasing, Sharon a VA Widow, supporter with sign in window, City stole Sharons fencing, if a child was hit, please provide the police report to Sharon Anderson Candidate currently for Sharon has (3) Black CATS named Billy,Blackie and Bunny with her Rottweiller Bodyguard. 1992 the Citys incompetant employees maliciously created the Murder of (6) person via the Maria Blast, with goofy statement 15+ yrs. | Sharons-FOIA
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